Monday, February 8, 2010

Me pretty

The other day, Lisy was in the bathroom with me while I was washing my face. She got into my lotion and spread it on her cheeks. Then she beamed up at me and declared, "me pwetty!" She is very self-assured and confident in her looks and style, as evidenced by this outfit:

And here is a great example of how she likes to wear her pajamas backwards. Even though her clothes were all twisted, she insisted she wanted them that way and that they were comfortable.



  1. she is so darling, and getting cuter (or pwettiew) all the time!

  2. I'm always amazed at how early girls start caring about clothes. The other day I put a pair of jammies on Katrina that she didn't want to wear. She cried until I took them off and put on an approved pair.

  3. You can tell she inherited her Grandma Llama's love of color!
